Setting up your workshop environment

Installing Python

You will need a Python environment to run the model that you develop during the workshop. We suggest to install Miniconda, a Python package and environment management system. The user guide and short reference on conda can be found here.

You can install the workshop environment on Windows, macOS or Linux. Supported Python versions are 3.6, 3.7 or 3.8.

Obtaining the workshop files

We packaged all Python scripts required for the workshop into a zip file. After installing conda you can download the file here.

Setting up the workshop environment

Extract the zip file to a suitable location to your hard disk. Use the conda command prompt to browse to the environment subfolder of the workshop contents. Execute the following command

conda env create -f environment.yaml

to install the necessary Python modules and to set up your conda environment named workshop . Note that you need an internet connection to create your environment. After a successful installation you can activate your workshop environment with

conda activate workshop

Finally change to the course folder to start with the modelling exercises.