Reading from a LUE dataset

Simulations performed with Campo can generate different types of output data such as static or dynamic data for field- or point-agents. The contents from a dataset generated with Campo can be accesed by a dictionary-based dataframe data structure. The dataframe returns agent data in different ways, each specific for the spatio-temporal type of the agents.

In general, access to a LUE dataset by using the dataframe approach can be done as follows:

import lue.data_model as ldm
import campo

# Open LUE dataset of specific name
dataset = ldm.open_dataset("catchment.lue")

# Obtain elevation and landuse properties from the catchment phenomenon
dataframe =, property_names=['elevation', 'landuse'])

dataframe returned by select() holds a nested dictionary with the following general structure:

{ phenomenon :
  { property_set :
    { property_name1 : property_values,
      property_nameN : property_values

The return value of property_values will be of different type based on the characteristics of an agent. Basically, property_values is of type xarray and organised according to the different agent types.

Dataframe return types

Static data

Agents have the same shape

This situation applies to point agents, and field agents all having the same spatial extent (e.g. all field-agents are of size 1ha). select() returns a structure as follows:

property_values is an xarray dataarray:

values: 1d or 2d array depending on type agent
xcoord: point coord or list with coords along x axis
ycoord: point coord or list with coords along y axis
objj_id: list of object IDs

Agents having different shapes

This situation applies field agents each having a different spatial extent (e.g. field-agents representing different catchments). select() returns a structure as follows:

property_values is an xarray dataset with for each object a dataarray (key : object_id):

values: 2d array depending on type agent
xcoord: list with coords along x axis
ycoord: list with coords along y axis

Dynamic data

Agents have the same shape

This situation applies to point agents, and field agents all having the same spatial extent (e.g. all field-agents are of size 1ha). select() returns a structure as follows:

property_values is an xarray dataarray:

values: array with shape (obj_ids, timesteps, 1)
xcoord: list of x coord, e.g. [x1,x2,x3,x4,x5]
ycoord: list of y coord, e.g. [y1,y2,y3,y4,y5]
objj_id: list of object IDs, e.g. [1,2,3,4,5]
time: list with timesteps, e.g. ['2000-01-01', '2000-01-02', '2000-01-03']

Agents having different shapes

This situation applies field agents each having a different spatial extent (e.g. field-agents representing different catchments). select() returns a structure as follows:

property_values is an xarray dataarray:

values: array with shape (obj_ids, timesteps, rows, cols)
xcoord: list of coords along x axis, [xmin,...,xmax]
ycoord: list of coords along y axis, [ymax,...,ymin]
objj_id: list of object IDs, e.g. [1,2,3,4,5]
time: list with timesteps, e.g. ['2000-01-01', '2000-01-02', '2000-01-03']

Accessing data

Property values can be accessed using the dictionary notation:

property_values = dataframe['catchment']['area']['elevation']

Selections can then be done using the xarray notation, e.g. by object id as:

res = property_values.loc[3,:]

or by a timestep as:

res = property_values.loc[:,'2000-01-02' ,:]

In case you want to have plain access to the array values you can obtain them as NumPy array with

res = property_values.values

Reference[, property_names])

to_csv(dataframe, filename)

Exports point agent properties to a CSV

to_gpkg(dataframe, filename[, crs, timestep])

Exports point agent properties to a GeoPackage

to_tiff(dataframe[, crs, directory, timestep])

Exports field agent property to a set of GeoTIFF outputs